Tiny TimLive At Royal Albert HallTiny TimLive At Royal Albert Hall2LPRSD Exclusive 2019/Ltd. to 3000LP
UPC: 081227923297Release Date: 4/13/2019
Our Normal Price: $31.99
Herbert Buckingham Khaury (4/12/32–11/30/96), known professionally as Tiny Tim was an American singer, ukulele player and musical archivist. He is best remembered for his cover hits “Tip Toe Through The Tulips With Me” and “Livin’ In the Sunlight, Lovin’ In the Moonlight,” which he sang in a high falsetto voice. Herbert was born in NY and displayed musical talent at a young age, teaching himself how to play guitar at age 6 and violin and ukulele by 11. By his pre-teens he developed a passion for records from the 1900s-1930s and spent most of his time at the public library studying the history of the phonograph industry and its first recording artists. He described finding his upper register singing voice as a religious experience after listening to Rudy Vallee sing in falsetto. By the 1950s he landed a job as a messenger at MGM Studios and started performing at dance club amateur nights wearing wild clothing, long hair and pasty white facial make up to stand out from the other performers. He took his ukulele and falsetto act to Greenwich Village in the early 1960s, playing at a gay and lesbian club 6 hours a night, 6 nights a week for $96 per month.
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