How to earn pointsOur points system works on beindependent.com and in all Independent store locations.
Points you earn in any store can be used online and vice versa. You earn points every time you buy from us or sell us your
unwanted music, movies, video games or books. What can I do with points?You can buy things for 50% off. The number of points you
have determines the value of the items you can buy for 50% off. If you have one
point, you can get a one dollar item for fifty cents. If you have ten points,
you can get a ten dollar item for five dollars. If you have 357.2 points, you
can get up to $357.20 worth of items for 50% off. Is that too much math? Don’t worry. We will keep track of
everything. We will even tell you which items quality for a discount. How to use points earned in the store on beindependent.comWe have to connect your online account to your retail store account. Please complete this form and we'll get you linked up! |